projects uploaded by Christophe Bruno

Blood For Sale by Christophe Bruno
Wi-Fi performance in Dublin at the ReJoyce festival celebrating Bloomsday 100 (June 2004), featuring the pervasive invasion of language by financial globalization. As James Joyce did 100 years ago, I walk through Dublin, but with a Wi-Fi handheld and a digital camera. On my way, I record everything I see, mainly company logos or brands, as if my eyes were "spammed". [...]
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Fascinum by Christophe Bruno
This piece created in 2001, shows the pictures the most viewed (ranked from 1 to 10) on different national Yahoo portals.
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non-weddings by Christophe Bruno
This work, made in 2002, was inspired by a drawing by Jacques Lacan in "L'instance de la lettre dans l'inconscient" (Ecrits, Editions du Seuil), as I realized that the search engines on the Internet had some similarities with this presentation.
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The Google Adwords Happening by Christophe Bruno
April 2002: how a large scale poetry happening on Google Adwords, unveiled the Generalized Semantic Capitalism.
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Light Pattern
Drunk Eliza
naked on pluto
100.000.000 stolen pixels
Incorrect Music 2

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LYCAY (Let Your Code plAY)
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The Invisible Hand Machine
Towards a Permanently Temporary Software Art Factory